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Where can we find club houses or meeting halls important in Los Angeles history?
Where can we find club houses or meeting halls important in Los Angeles history?
Where can we find club houses or meeting halls important in Los Angeles history?
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Where can we find club houses or meeting halls important in Los Angeles history?
Where can we find club houses or meeting halls important in Los Angeles history?

Social clubs played an important role in the social and cultural history of Los Angeles. Clubs often had their own buildings or sometimes shared buildings with other uses. The buildings housed fraternal clubs, women’s club and those with ethnic/cultural associations.

Instructions: Use the map above to zoom in and click on the location of the place. Then provide the name and information about why the place is important. Or you can click on “What’s Your Idea” and submit the name and location of the place and information about why it is significant. We are particularly interested in places that do not already have historic designations.

More Info:
How to check a property for historic designations
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